Zoned In ADHD Program

Neurodivergence, which is inclusive of ADHD, has in recent years become an interest, a project and now success story in the Restore Integrative Clinic.

Both April and Gareth have gained hands on experiential wisdom of the application of holistic health tools for ADHD through supporting their family members naturally with the symptomology of the nervous system disorder, and since extending these same practices to the patients and clients of their clinic, they can now confidently attest to the profound and life changing enhancements of applying these same applications to anyone living with ADHD.

And now, they have packaged this up to deliver to the broader public, both locally and afar in a program they call the:

“Zoned In ADHD Program”

Thank you for your interest in the Zoned In ADHD Program, please read below for further information regarding the program, which we will be opening in mid October.

The Package includes:

4 Appointments with our Practitioners

*Initial Consult with both April and Gareth

*Nutrition and Food Support Appointment with April

*Program, Pathology and Supplement Review with Gareth

*Final Review with either practitioner, depending where your individual needs are

Each consult will provide you with education and information on What is occurring in your unique expression of ADHD biochemically and behaviourally, How we can minimise symptoms and improve quality of life via dietary, supplemental and lifestyle adjustments, while giving ongoing personalised support and suggestions to make the changes manageable - and enjoyable.

The program will run over a 9 week period, with changes being introduced in achievable intervals

Food Compatibility Test

Outlining your individual foods to include and avoid, testing your hair tissue against 500 food items and 100 household/personal products. Following results from this test in your day to day eating and product exposure dramatically reduces inflammation and improves gut-brain connection and communication, greatly enhancing nervous system function, mood and behaviour.

Personalised Dietary Adjustments, Cookbooks and Menu Plans

Receive a cookbook containing 50 recipes that align with your Food Compatibility results, and personalised menu plans. The recipes and dietary support also improves overall brain health and functioning via dietary adjustments such as blood sugar level balance and additive and preservative avoidance.

Information handouts and videos

You will receive information handouts with guidance and support on many health and lifestyle factors that are connected to ADHD symptomology; Sleep support, Exercise and Movement, Mindfulness and Gut Health to name a few.

Individualised Supplement Suggestions

We provide tailored supplement suggestions, that are backed by scientific literature, known to improve nervous system function in ADHD. As well as anything specific that your health picture signals needing support from.

Optional Extras

  • Extra testing

Each individuals health picture is unique, and we don’t view our patients as just a diagnosis, we know all expressions of dis-ease and dis-orders stem from imbalances within the body, so there will be times that we suggest other testing outside of the foundational food compatibility test to shine a light on other causes or connections to symptoms.

*Other Pathology testing may include, such as; Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) / Gut Health Tests / Hormone testing

  • Practical “Hands on Nutrition Support”

Which is essentially supporting you with integrating the information you have learnt in the appointments, into your day to day life.

*Hands On Nutrition Support may include; educational supermarket walkthroughs, pantry overhauls, cooking demonstrations and more.

Package Investment

$1,300 or $350 over 4 payments set up via direct debit

*Supplements and Optional Extras do incur an additional fee*